Key events
1513 September 9th, Battle of Flodden
1514 Margaret married Archibald, Earl of Angus
1514 Louise XII of France married Henry VIII's sister Mary
1515 Albany sent from France as Regent of Scotland
1517 Albany returned to France
1517 Treaty of Rouen, renewing the Auld Alliance
1520 "Cleanse the Causeway" - Angus pushed Arran out of Edinburgh
1521 November, Albany returned to Scotland
1522 Albany left Scotland
1523 Albany returned to Scotland with French troops
1524 Albany left Scotland
1524 Gavin Dunbar became Archibishop of Glasgow
1524 James invested as Monarch (age 12)
1527 Angus became Chancellor - held the King
1528 King escaped from Douglas hands
1537 January 1st, Married to Magdeleine
1541 both sons died
1542 November 24th, Battle of Solway Moss
1542 December 7th, Mary born "It cam wi' a lass; It gang wi' a lass"
1542 December 14th the King died of grief
Additional Pages of Interest
Battle of Solway Moss
Battle of Pinkie Cleuch