Copyright © 1998
Royal Stuarts
All Rights Reserved
One night a few years ago, a Scotsman enters a pub he's never been in, goes to the bar, and
orders 3 pints of McEwans. He takes his pints over to the corner table and sits sippin' quietly,
first from one, then the second, then the third. When he is done with the ales, he leaves.
The next night he comes back to the same pub, and does exactly the same thing: he orders 3 pints
of McEwans, takes them to the corner table and sits sippin' quietly, first from one, then the
second, then the third. When he is done with the ales, he leaves.
On the third night, curiosity gets the best of the barman, and he asks, "Why do you order 3
McEwans at once. Surely they go flat before you've finished them." And the man replied "
Well, you see, I have two brothers, and we used to go to the pub every night to share a pint and
tell stories of our day, but now my one brother is in America, and my other brother is in
Australia, so we each go down to our local pub each night a drink an ale in remembrance of our
And so, the man continued to come to the pub every night, and he continued to order 3 McEwans
and drink them in the same manner for months. And then one night, he came into the pub with a
very somber look on his face, and he only ordered two McEwans. The entire pub went silent, as
all the regulars turned to watch the saddened man drink his two McEwans. Finally, the barman
spoke up and said "We're all so sorry about your loss." The drinking man looked up startled,
then said, "Oh no, don't worry, my brother's are both fine. It's just that my wife has made me
stop drinking."