Always Room for One More
In Scotland, Hospitality is ingrained in the very heart of the highlands. For, you see, should you be traveling on the road and it come to nightfall knock upon the door of a nearby house and they are obligated to providing a place to stay and a warm meal to eat.
Such was certainly the way some hundred years ago when a wee crofters cottage sat up in the highlands near a well traveled road. For one night, as the house was settling down for a goodnights sleep, who should happen on it but an old friar all worn out for ministering to the local sheep.
Upon seeing the small cottage, the friar decided to stop for the night, walked up to the door and knocked loudly saying, "Hello, the House. Is there room for one more."
Well, being in the highlands and knowing hospitality the door opened wide and a voice from within cried out, "Of course, for in Scotland there's always room for one more."
And the friar stepped inside the small cottage for a warm meal and a place to stay.
A little while later a young couple came upon the cottage. They were running away from home to elope but had lost their way. Upon seeing the small cottage the couple decided to stop for the night, walked up to the door and knocked loudly saying, "Hello, the House. Is there room for two more?"
Well, being in the highlands and knowing hospitality the door opened wide and a voice from within cried out, "Of course, for in Scotland there's always room for one more."
And the couple stepped inside the small cottage for a warm meal and a place to stay.
Along about this time a reiver or thief was walking along the road when he spotted the house. Not having done well thieving during the day, the reiver decided to take a chance on the small cottage. So the reiver walked up to the door and knocked loudly (he wasn't a very smart reiver) and he said, "Hello, the House. Is there room for one more>"
Well, being in the highlands and knowing hospitality the door opened wide and a voice from within cried out, "Of course, for in Scotland there's always room for more."
And the reiver stepped inside the small cottage for a warm meal and a place to stay. Well, by this time the house was getting rather crowded and the walls began to creak under the strain.
Just then a mighty wood cutter came along the road. He was a huge hulk of a man. Larger than any 10 englishmen with bright red hair all over his head and face. Upon seeing the small cottage the wood cutter decided to stop for the night, walked up to the door and knocked loudly saying, "Hello, the House. Is there room for one more?"
Well, being in the highlands and knowing hospitality the door opened wide and a voice from within cried out, "Of course, for in Scotland there's always room for one more."
And the wood cutter stepped inside the small cottage for a warm meal and a place to stay. Only there wasn't really room. The walls were already creaking and now the roof began to moan. The door practically busting at the seams. When suddenly the whole house came crashing
The wood cutter, the reiver, the couple and the friar all felt terrible for the small cottage that was no more. Well, hospitality works both ways in Scotland. For you see, they all got up and helped build a bigger house, bigger then ever before, big enough for them all. "Of course, for in Scotland there's always room for one more."