Graverobbers! on Film
The working title of the first film (1947) was "The Crimes of Burke and Hare", but after much haggling with British Censors it finally appeared in 1948 as "The Greed of William Hart", starring Ted Slaughter as William Hart.
That film suffered from numerous problems, none the least of which was the censor's unwillingness to allow Director Oswald Mitchell to use the real life names of Burke and Hare. Thus in the final cut, Burke became Moore, and Hare became Hart. Dr. Knox became Dr. Cox and after re-editing the sound track for the censors, there was no money left over for a sound track. The film was also released under the name "Horror Maniacs" in 1953.
In 1960, the graverobber's story was turned into the horror film "The Flesh and the Fiends" starring Donald Pleasance and horror king, Peter Cushing. The movie had four alternate titles: "Fiendish Ghouls", "Mania", "Psycho Killers" and in Italy, "Le Iene Die Edimburgo".
In 1971, the film was resurrected as "Burke and Hare" by director Vernon Sewell and starring Harry Andrews as Dr. Knox. It was also released under the name "The Horrors of Burke and Hare".
In 1985, the graverobbers were back on the silver screen with "The Doctor and the Devils" starring Timothy Dalton as Dr. Thomas Rock. Film Critic Leonard Maltin called it a "serious-minded but unsuccessful (and unappealing) Gothic tale of grave robbers who supply a dedicated doctor who's content not to ask too many questions."
MMJ, October 1999
Movie Links:
Graverobbers! The Trial of Burke and Hare
From the Graveyard to the Computer: Anatomy Classes Go Digital!
Scene of the Crime: University of Edinburgh Medical School and Museum
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