By day, the two appeared as hardworking Irish immigrants: William Burke even rented out
rooms to recent arrivals in Edinburgh. But by night, the pair lurked in dark corners of the city's ancient graveyards, digging up bodies of the
recently departed to sell to anatomy instructors in Edinburgh's fast
growing medical schools.
In those days, Edinburgh was one of the major centres of medical
education in Europe. Dr. Robert Knox of the city's Medical School was
one of the most popular anatomists - attracting as many as 500 students
per class.
But in early 19th century Scotland, obtaining human cadavers for
medical research was not a simple matter. Schools were restricted by
laws that allowed the dissection of only one body per year - and it had
to be the body of an executed criminal.
Given the law of supply and demand, it was just a matter of time before
someone found an illegal way of providing dead humans for dissection.
Enter our two enterprising Irish immigrants, William Burke and William
Hare. Smelling a profit, the two got together and cooked up a scheme to
supply freshly dead bodies to the anatomy schools with "no questions
The anatomists who used Burke and Hare's services didn't ask many
questions about the corpses that were brought to them at the medical
school under the cover of darkness. It was only when suspicious
neighbours starting asking about about a missing Irish immigrant named
Mrs. Docherty, that the whole scheme began to unravel. Before long, the
two graverobbers turned serial killers were up on charges of murdering
the old lady and the whole of Britain was riveted to the grisly details
of the trial throughout that Christmas and New Year season of 1828.
We will probably never know how many of Burke's and Hare's unsuspecting
victims ended up on the anatomy tables of Edinburgh's Medical Schools.
They were suspected of murdering between 13 to 30 people, but there was
never enough evidence to get a conviction on more than one body - that
of the unfortunate Mrs. Docherty.
When the case finally got to trial, Hare turned evidence against Burke,
and Burke was found guilty of murder. He was executed on January 29,
1829 and his body was - you guessed it - donated to the Medical School
for what they called "useful dissection". Nearly two hundred years after
his death, Burke's skeleton remains on display at the University's
Medical School.
Ironically, the anatomists to whom Burke and Hare supplied bodies were
never brought to trial. Although Dr. Knox was named as the recipient of
bodies, he was never charged with any crime.
MMJ, October 1999
MORE articles and links about Graverobbers! on Gathering of the Clans:
Horror Films About The Graverobbers!
From the Graveyard to the Computer: Anatomy Classes Go Digital!
Scene of the Crime: University of Edinburgh Medical School and Museum
Burke and Hare: Edinburgh Body Snatchers turn Serial Killers
The Trial of the Bodysnatchers, from Adam Lyal's Witchery Tales
Thursday, December 26th, 2019
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