The Broad Scots Dictionary
Click on the appropriate letter below.
|A| B | C | D | E | F | G | H| I | J | K | L | M | N | O| P| Q | R| S | T | U |V | W | Y |
Ragweed - "the herb ragwort"
Rair - "to roar"
Raize - "to madden, inflame"
Rampin' - "raging"
Randie - "a scold"
Rantin' - "rattling, joyous"
Raploch - "properly a coarse cloth; but used as an adnoun for coarse"
Rarely - "excellently, very well"
Rash - "a rush"
Rash-bush - "a bush of rushes"
Ratton - "a rat"
Raw - "a row"
Rax - "to stretch"
Ream - "cream; to cream"
Reamin' - "brimful, frothing"
Reave - "rove"
Red-wat-shod - "walking in blood over the shoe tops"
Red-wud - "stark mad"
Ree - "half drunk, fuddled"
Reek - "smoke"
Reekin' - "smoking"
Reekit - "smoked, smoky"
Remead - "remedy"
Requite - "requited"
Rest - "to stand restive"
Restit - "stood restive; stunted, withered"
Restricked - "restircted"
Rew - "to repent, to compassionate"
Rief - "reef, plenty"
Rief randies - "sturdy beggars"
Rig - "ridge"
Rigwiddie or rigwoodie - "the rope or chain that crosses the saddle of the horse to support the spokes of a cart; spare, withered, sapless"
Rin - "to run, to melt"
Rink - "the course of the stones; a term in curling on ice"
Rinnin' - "running"
Ripples - "pains in the back and limbs"
Ripplin-kame - "comb for dressing flax"
Riskit - "made a noise like the tearing of roots"
Rockin' - "spinning on the rock or distaff"
Rood - "redness; srtong; the cross" Stands likewise for the plural, roods.
Roon - "a shred, a border or selvage"
Roose - "to praise, to commend"
Roosty - "rusty"
Roun' - "round, in the circle of neighbourhood"
Roup - "sale by auction"
Routhie - "plentiful"
Row - "to roll, to wrap"
Row't - "rolled, wrapped"
Rowth or routh - "plenty"
Rowtin' - "lowing"
Rozet - "Rumble-gumption, rude good sense"
Rung - "a cudgel"
Runkled - "wrinkled"
Runt - "the stem of colewort or cabbage"
Ruth - "a woman's name; the booked so called; sorrow"
Ryke - "to reach"