When Robert I died at Cardross on the 7th of June 1329, he left
a kingdom stronger than it had been for many years. Regular
parliaments were being held, taxation was coming in and the
booty taken from England filled the empty exchequer. There
was peace with the barons (a plot had been uncovered and the
traitors severely dealt with) but the service due to the king from
his barons was regularised and ordered - a great improvement
on the past.
Balliol was crowned at Scone and shortly after forced
from Annan "one leg booted and the other naked". He won
Edward's full support by offering up Berwick. In an attempt to
relieve the town, Archibald Douglas was beaten and killed at
Halidon hill by an English army in July 1333. The next year
Balliol gave Homage to Edward and in addition gave up title to
most of Southern Scotland. In desperation the Scots sent David
to France where Philip VI had offered refuge. He would spend
the next seven years in exile.
In David's absence, a series of regents kept up the
struggle. Edward personally ravaged much of the north-east in
1336, but in 1338 the tide turned. While Black Agnes, Countess
of March, held Dunbar Castle triumphantly for five months
(famously wiping the battlements clean when struck by siege
weapons) in this year, the big break for Scotland came when
Edward claimed the French throne and took his army to
Flanders. The Hundred Years War with France had begun.
So, in just nine years, the kingdom so hard won by
Bruce had been shattered. Her experienced nobles were dead,
and her king was in exile. The economy which had barely begun
to recover from the earlier wars was once again in tatters. It
was to an impoverished country in need of peace and good
government that David returned. Sadly he would give neither.
David was eventually released in 1357 for a ransom of
100,000 merks (1 merk was 2/3 of a Scottish pound) payable in
ten years. The country was in a sorry state when David began
levying new taxes (a reassessment of all lands and moveables
was also made). She had been ravaged by war and also the
Black Death. This actually produced a bit of theological
difficulty as its onslaught in England had been regarded as just
Heavenly punishment. The first instalment of the ransom was
paid punctually. The second was late and after that no more
could be paid. There was no money from France and David
wasted what was collected.
In 1363, he went to London and agreed that should he
die childless, the crown would pass to Edward (his brother-in-
law) with the Stone of Destiny being returned for Edward's
coronation as King of Scots. The Scot rejected this arrangement
and instead offered to continue paying the ransom (now
increased to 100,000 pounds). In 1366, a new assessment was
made of both lay and clerical lands, and it was discovered that
the value had shrunk to a half and two thirds respectively of
their value in 1286. A twenty five year truce had been included
in the new ransom terms, and in 1369, the treaty of 1365 was
cancelled and a new one set up to the Scots benefit (the
influence of the war with France again). The new terms saw the
44,000 marks already paid deducted from the original 100,000
with the balance due in instalments of 4,000 for the next
fourteen years.
When Edward died in 1377, there were still 24,000
marks owed which was never paid. David himself had lost his
popularity and lost the respect of his nobles when he married
the widow of a minor laird after the death of his English wife.
He himself died in February 1371.
David's successor Robert II was 55 when he took the throne. He been married
twice (the first was possibly invalid) and had thirteen legitimate children, plus a
great deal
of illegitimate ones beside. All of whom had to be found positions or land. When he
in 1390, he was succeeded by his son John, who owing to the bad omens associated with
the name took the title Robert III. Robert III was 53 on his succession and was to all
intents and purposes not fit to be king. He had been kicked in the head by a horse in
youth which left him mentally disabled. When he died in 1406, he left one son and four
daughters. James I succeeded aged 11 years old, and was actually captured at sea
a truce) on his succession. He would not return to Scotland until 1424. During his
absence, Robert Duke of Albany reigned as regent. He was interested only in the power
his new position and took full advantage of it. During his regime, the barons grew
powerful and there was corruption galore. When his son was captured by the English,
Robert ransomed him, however, he paid little attention to ransoming the king. When
Robert died, his son Murdoch took over, but he lacked his father's ability and a push
made to bring James home. On his return, James was a very angry young man. During his
short active reign, he restored most of the crown's powers, revenged himself on anyone
who he felt had not done enough to get him released and generally worked hard to put
realm back on an even keel. There were difficulties with the great nobles and he was
murdered because of them in 1437. (Interestingly enough, had he not been losing his
tennis balls between cracks in the floorboards, James would have escaped. As he fled
murderers, he hid in the drain under the floor of the tennis court, however, he had
it blocked up and so could not escape.)
James II became king of Scots at the age of six. The
shock at the murder of James I saw a settling of the dust. The
murderers were rooted out and mutilated, and the realm was
generally run smoothly during his minority. When he took over,
he showed a great acumen for the job and was skillful at
restoring the health of the nation. It was a great disaster when
he was killed at Roxburgh in 1460 when a cannon he was
standing next to exploded.
James III was crowned at the age of 9 and was
murdered before he reached 37 during a civil war which ended
at the battle of Sauchieburn in 1488. During these reigns, the
great noble houses rose and fell depending on whose side they
chose in the murky world of Scottish politics. The sons of
Robert II generally caused havoc. One, Alexander, the wolf of
Badenoch, burnt Elgin cathedral and his son assumed the
Earldom of Mar after he abducted the widowed countess. Most
of the problems with the nobles were due to the long royal
minorities. However, the administrative machinery continued to
function despite its misuse and abuse. There was little direct
fighting with England during this period. Scots fighting in
France were executed for being in arms against their king when
Henry V took James I with him to France. When he was
released, James was treated as an ally. The suzerainty claim was
occasionally dusted off and used, generally in support of a noble
malcontent. The few battles which were fought were fought by
the noble houses alone. Otterburn (1388) was a fight between
an English army and the Douglasses. After the assassination of
James I, the Douglasses bore the brunt of the fighting, however,
when they were forfeited by James II, they fled to England.
Scotland relations with France were strengthened during
this period. The Auld Alliance was repeatedly renewed with
almost unaltered terms. However, while Scotland gave much in
support of the alliance she generally received little in return. A
great many Scots fought in France for the French king against
the English during the Hundred Years War. So highly thought
of were the Scottish soldiers (they were always the last off the
field - if they left at all. At Verneuill a Scottish army under the
4th earl of Douglas was all but exterminated) that Charles VII
formed his 'corps d'elite' the 'Garde Ecossaise' from their ranks.
In 1445, he established a regular army of fifteen companies. At
the head of them was the 'Gens d'Ordonnance' the Scottish
Company. In these two companies generations of Scots fought
with distinction.
While Scotland gave military aid to France, she received
culture in return. It was to France that she looked when her
own Universities were being thought of. St, Andrews (1412)
had its curriculum based upon that of Paris, while its
constitution was based on the universities of the Loire. Glasgow
(1451) followed St. Andrews, and Aberdeen (1495) showed a
great deal of Renaissance influence.
When James IV took the throne in 1488, the role of the
king was changing. The old ideas were being replaced.
Government was becoming more complicated and there was a
greater reliance on 'small men' to oil the wheels of government.
As the crown took more of an interest in everything, the only
force able to hold off conflict was the force of the king's will.
James IV had will in no small measure. By the force of his
personality, he pushed Scotland forward. James was interested
in everything, ships, guns, tournaments, clothes, music and even
James was a true renaissance monarch in many ways,
above all his interest in warfare and in developing the military
might of his kingdom set the tone for his reign. He banned golf
and football so that the men might practice their archery. He
ordered regular 'wapynschawingis' to ensure that every man
possessed weapons according to his status. By 1508, he was
casting good cannon in Edinburgh castle. He also loved his
navy. In 1493 he ordered every burgh to provide a boat of 20
tons and a crew and was also building his own ships in new
dockyards. The great 'Michael' was completed in 1511 and was
the wonder of the age. By the end of his reign he had ten big
and sixteen smaller ships. He lent 2,000 men to Denmark in
1502 and informed France that he could supply 4,000 fully
equipped men in 1508. He also subdued the Highlands with a
small force. Serious war however he did not engage in.
Much of the reason for James' success was the lack of
interest in England for yet another war in Scotland. Henry VII
was interested only in staying on the throne and made every
effort to maintain the peace, including the marriage of his eldest
daughter to James in exchange for perpetual peace. A peace
which would last so long as Henry VII was alive.
When Henry VIII took the throne, the atmosphere
changed. Henry was determined on a war with France and
despite a great deal of diplomatic effort on James' part in aid of
peace, war broke out in 1512 although James would take no
action until 1513. When Henry left for France in the summer of
1513, he left England well prepared for any attack by James. A
last attempt by James to get peace was made in August 1513.
The envoy was treated with contempt by Henry and rejected on
August 12. On August 22, James crossed the border.
James reduced several castles, including Norham with
his new guns and took up a fortified position on Flodden Edge
overlooking the river Till. Surrey, in charge of the English
forces, attempted to lure James down from the hillside to no
avail marched around the Scots until they had threatened to
block off the Scots supply routes. On a rainy miserable day, the
Scots finally gave battle. The Scots guns were manoeuvred
round the hill but could not depress enough to do any damage
to the English lines. By contrast, the English guns were
wreaking havoc in the Scottish line. The order was finally given
to charge, and in a mass the Scots slid down the slope and
attacked a well prepared enemy. James was killed and along
with him nine earls, thirteen barons, an archbishop, and most of
the other nobility. Thousands upon thousands of ordinary Scots
were also slain. Surrey himself lost two-thirds of his own picked
retinue in the battle.
James' body was taken to London where Henry planned
a splendid funeral. The funeral never took place and the
embalmed head was eventually hacked off by Elizabeth's
master-glazier who used it as a pot-pourri until he tired of it.
The long term ramifications of Flodden were great. The
loss of so many nobles in one day was a huge blow.
Organisation for defence was put in place and in Edinburgh
orders went out that women were not to wail in the streets but
were instead to go to church, and that everyone must help to
build the city wall (which still stands today in places). The new
lords made arrangements for the gathering of war material and
for the coronation of the new king. Henry however, made peace
with France in 1514; a peace in which Scotland was included.
Flodden's greatest impact would be in the collective
psyche when future problems arose with England. There was no
rush to war, indeed there was every attempt made to avoid it at
all costs. The 'Flodden Complex' would affect Scottish domestic
and foreign policy for many years afterwards.
The heir to the throne was Bruce's own son David, then
aged five years old. David was crowned along with his young
queen with full honours in 1331 (the first King of Scots to be
anointed). Things did not go well for the young king however.
The earl of Douglas was killed in Spain in 1330 fighting the
Moors while taking Bruce's heart to the Holy Land. Randolph
earl of Moray died in 1332 while preparing to meet an invasion
from England. So, within just a few years of Bruce's death, two
of the most experienced nobles available to the new king were
dead. In the south, Edward III while swearing he would keep
the peace, allowed Edward Balliol (son of John I) and the
'Disinherited' to sail from the Humber. Balliol sailed round the
Scottish defence and landed at Kinghorn in Fife. They marched
through Fife and in August met and destroyed at Dupplin the
Scottish army under the new guardian, the Earl of Mar, who
was left dead on the field.
When David returned, he was determined to live up to
the memory of his illustrious father. He didn't keep to the truces
with England and was constantly snipping at the border. In
1346, Philip VI appealed for a counter invasion of England in
order to relieve the stranglehold on Calais. David gladly
accepted and at Nevilles Cross he met and was soundly beaten
by an English army. The Scots suffered heavy casualties and
David was wounded by two arrows before being captured. He
was sufficiently strong however to knock out two teeth from
the mouth of his captor. After a period of convalescence, he
was imprisoned in the Tower, to be joined later by Philip of
David's reign saw several new features develop in
Scottish society. The growing devolution of parliamentary
authority to committees and commissions. The overhaul of the
tax system resulted in a great increase in the revenue available
to the king (customs duties quadrupled), and the entry of the
royal burghs into politics. Legal reform also took place during
David's reign. The greatest feature however was that despite the
travails, Scotland had maintained and assured her independence.
He extracted a tooth, set a broken leg and carried out a
bleeding. Alchemy was also an interest. His abiding loves
however were good government, his subjects and warfare.
One of James' many reforms was in the legal system.
James reorganised and restructured the legal system to run
more efficiently and effectively. He made a conspicuous effort
to control the highlands (the first king of Scots in a century who
could speak Gaelic) he forfeited the Lord of the Isles in 1493
and made each chief responsible for his own people - an action
that had little success. Having failed to control the Highlands
through the use of justiciars, he made Huntly heritable sheriff of
the north and Argyll of the south-west. The rise of the Gordons
and the Campbells gained a gathering momentum from now on,
as these two powerful families became government policemen.
Further Reading
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