Unfortunately, these very qualities have led to Eigg being owned by a succession of absentee landlords, seduced by the image but with no real interest in the future of the Island, its population or its heritage. The Island has changed hands for ever more inflated sums, often in secret, leaving residents to guess what the next unknown will do, never even knowing whether we will be able to stay in our homes or continue to make a livelihood. Under these circumstances, the Island has become progressively run down with estate properties decaying, land unused and overrun with bracken and both the community and wildlife under threat.
Now the Island is once more on the market, 15 months after the present owner bought and then ignored it. This time, however, we are ready. We are determined to ensure a viable long term future for the Island and to remove it once and for all from the vagaries of the private landlord system.
To this end we have formed a partnership with the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Highland Council and together we intend to realise the vision of an Island community securing a viable future livelihood whilst sustaining its unique environmental and cultural heritage. This is much more than a bid for a community buy out. It will, we hope, be a symbol of how communities and conservation interests can work together with mutual benefit for the long term good of all.
Together we have drawn up an application for funding from the National Lottery Heritage Memorial Fund to protect and enhance the natural heritage of the Island and facilitate public access to it. Our management plan for the Island is undergoing its final revision and plans for regenerating the natural woodlands as part of the Millennium Forest Project are ready for submission.
To secure the long term future of Eigg a new company is being formed which will own and manage the Island on behalf of the partners. A huge amount has already been achieved but we now face the challenge of gaining control of the Island's destiny against the financial muscle of anyone who fancies "owning" an Island they may never even have seen.
We need your help, urgently. Not sometime. Not soon., But now - today. This is THE opportunity to secure the future of the Isle of Eigg; to build a sustainable future for the community and conserve the environment for the benefit of future generations. Please don't miss this chance; it might never happen again. This leaflet explains how you can help and by doing so become part of a better future for the new millennium.
So we are appealing for help from anyone who shares our vision for the Island. A target of 800,000 GBP has been set for the public appeal. And this sum is needed quickly. We must be ready to submit our bid to purchase the Island in whatever timetable the current owner decides to set.
Of course major corporations and institutions will be approached for funding. But contributions - however small - from members of the public are just as important. Not only because every penny is needed; but also because it is the support of people from around Scotland, the U.K. and beyond which gives heart to this venture.
If you want to make a contribution straight away, you can send money ( cheques or postal orders ) made payable to "The Isle of Eigg Trust".
For Larger sums, we would encourage you to make a pledge. We will only ask you for the sum you pledge if and when the community offer to buy the Island is successful.
The name and address of everyone who contributes will be entered in the "Book of Eigg", a permanent record to be kept on the Island for public inspection ( unless you request not to be named ). And all contributions and pledges will be acknowledged, together with a car sticker to help spread the message.
All cheques or postal orders should be made payable to The Isle of Eigg Trust ( a registered charity no. 24157 ) and can be sent to:
For further information please contact The Isle of Eigg Trust at 106162.2712@Compuserve.com
Thursday, December 26th, 2019
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