of North America
Application for Membership
My Name ______________________________________________________________
My Birthdate and Place________________________________________________
Spouse's Name_________________________________________________________
Spouce's Birthdate and Place__________________________________________
Names of MINOR Children_______________________________________________
(include year of birth)
Mailing Address_______________________________________________________
number........street........apartment #........Box #
Profession of Occupation______________________________________________
Special talents or interests__________________________________________
I am a Lineal Descendant of___________________________________________
______________________________________who was of Scottish Ancestry and
whose family came from Scotland on or about___________________________
Annual Dues USA $20.00 (in Canada, multiply by current conversion rate)
Make Check Payable to: Clan Gunn Society of North America
Mail to:
Al Gunn, Membership Chairman
As soon as is convenient, please follow up with as much Genealogy (Family Tree) data as you have. The Clan Gunn Salute.
The above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Clan Gunn
210 D Street
Fremont, CA, 94536
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