The Graham's were historically dispersed from Montrose on the the North Sea to Loch Lomond & from Orkney, through the Lowlands to Carlisle on the Borders.
Membership of CLAN GRAHAM ASSOCIATION is open to anyone, anywhere in the world, who qualifies by reason of name, marriage or descent....Come and join us - we are your cousins!
Aims and objectives The very size and dispersion of Garham's living today, numbering over 1 Million, presents a major challange in promoting the recognition of the Graham's and the contributions they have made to their various countries of residence. To accomplish this, the aims of the Clan Graham Association are:2. Historical library and archives.
3. Informative and attractive newsletter.
4. Genealogical assistance to those searching for their roots.
5. Attendance and participation in Scottish gatherings
6. Acceptance by the council of Scottish Clan Associations.
7. Foster a sense of pride in the Clan name and history.
8. Other services as needs arise and resources permit.
The affairs of the Association are directed by the elected and appointed officers and committee. They are elected at the annual general meeting.
Policy, operations and procedures are governed by the rules of the association, adopted by the membership and altered and improved by action of the Annual Meeting.
The Clan Graham Association meets annually at a venue to be decided each year by the committee.
Office Bearers and Committee Members:Vice Chairmen: Walter Graham
Secretary: Carole Graham
Treasurer: Claire Brooks
Genealogy: Anne Evens
Historian: Clair Brooks
Committee: Allan Graham Recruitment New Zealand
" Chris Graham
" Alex Calderhead Membership & recruitment
Anne Graham
" Colin Graham
" Jeffrey Graham Recruitment Australia
The Clan Graham Association newsletter "NE OUBLIE" is issued at least six-monthly, containing articles of historical and current interest, information about Clan meetings, gatherings, family and membership news, supplies etc.
Membership Fees:Subscriptions are based on the "Household" and cover the member and any other member of his/her family living at the same address.
Current rate: 12.00 UK Pounds per annum(UK residents)
Senior Citizens 10.00 UK Pounds per annum(UK residents)
Overseas: 15.00 UK Pounds per annum.
Membership Application: To receive an application form email us and supply the address that the application form should be sent to. Information provided by Alex Calderhead.[an error occurred while processing this directive]