Agnew, Blackett, Blacklock, Blackstock,
Blackwood, Blalock, Breckinridge, Brown,
Brownlee, Cavan, Cavers, Dickey,
Drysdale, Forest, Forrester, Foster,
Gilpatric, Glendinning, Glenn, Harkness,
Inglis, Kidston, Kilgore, Kilpatrick,
Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Lockerby, Lockery,
MacGuffey, MacGuffock , McKitrick, Morton,
Sandilands, Sandlin, Soule, Sterrett,
Symington, Troup, Young
701 Montgomery Hwy. Suite 209 Birmingham, AL 35216-1833 (205)822-9670 | 9 Limardo Dr. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada B3A 3X2 902-469-2715 E-mail: In Nova Scotia |
MEMBERSHIP is composed of men & women who are direct lineal descendants of a Scotsman/Scotswoman bearing the surname Douglas(s) or one of the Sept names. We have several classes of membership: Active, Affiliate (primarily for Scots who are not a sept of another Clan). We also have a class of affiliates with no known Scottish heritage. These members do not have a vote.
DUES U.S. Funds $15.00, Canadian $20.00, Australian $21.00.(Fiscal Year: August 1 - July 31) Same for all classes of membership. Life membership: Below age 60 years: 15 times current annual dues. Age 60 years and above: 10 times current annual dues.
APPLICATIONS may be obtained from the above addresses or for information email: or visit their official website at
Information provided by the Clan Douglas Society. Please visit their site at
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