The Norsemen and Feudalism By Brian Orr Have a question? Click Here to go to Brian's own Discussion Board!
In the meantime Fergus, Lord of Galloway seized his chance to try and break away but was tamed in 1160. Subsequent attempts were made by a succession of Lords of Galloway ,
In the thirteenth century the lordship of Galloway was divided up between four members of the ruling famiy, including John Baliol and Alexander Comyn. Under these leaders the men of Galloway were the opponents of King Robert the Bruce whose brother Edward finally subdued the area in 1308. In 1369 the eastern part of the area was given to Archibald Douglas, the Grim, who built the stronghold of Thrieve castle.
You can talk to Brian Orr on his own Discussion Board or you can click here to read more about his extensive research on the Orr family name. |
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