PART ONE: A ONE NAME STUDY Another way of researching family history By Brian Orr Have a question? Click Here to go to Brian's own Discussion Board!
It may sound difficult or complicated but it isn't really. The people who undertake One Name studies are enthusiasts of course - aren't we all, and in many instances they may organise and run their "name" family history society. But you can be a One Name researcher without undertaking a family society.
What does it mean to begin a One Name study?
A One Name Study is the research of a particular name, not necessarily your own - perhaps your husband or wife's line, or even no one related to you at all. The collection together and linking up of all persons with your chosen name would, in an ideal world , result in the finite family tree with all the connections made and verified.
Is there a great deal of work involved for a common name?
There can be: no one has started Smith for example, and the current registered names are selective and quite rare with some having less than a thousand records. Nevertheless, some people have started work on larger studies with world populations in the tens of thousands and more.
What advantage is there in a One Name Study?
It is the ideal companion to researching your Clan. All clans have their septs - the smaller family groups associated with a clan. Why not research the family and sept origins as part and parcel of a One Name study?
A One Name study is also an alternative when you reach the genealogists "brick wall". When you have gone as far as you can on your direct blood lines and just cannot find Uncle Fred who "went to America" and joined the Gold Rush. It provides the opportunity to continue with your interest in history and always with the hope that one day the brick wall will finally crumble to reveal your wealthy ancestor!
How do I go about starting a One Name Study?
It is important to have some idea of how many people there might be - how rare is your chosen name. A look at telephone directories for the whole country at your local library is a good start or visit some websites that have the phone book on line such as White Pages. In the USA it is possible to find out how many of a given surname there are by visiting the US Census Bureau facility at :
What is meant by registered name?
I want to find out more ?
You can register a name with the Guild of One Name Studies (G.O.O.N.S.), an international society with a worldwide membership. Write to:
Or you can visit the G.O.O.N.S website at
You can write to The American Association of One Name Studies at:
You can talk to Brian Orr on his own Discussion Board or you can click here to read more about his extensive research on the Orr family name.
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