
Born on April 14th, 1961, this Glasgow, Scotland native has been hailed as the best UK actor of his generation. Robert attributes his entry into acting to buying a copy of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, which he read and re-read many times. Robert Carlyle Noticing this, a friend of his recommended acting classes at the Glasgow Arts centre, the main selling point of this being his friends' assurance that the place was brimming with good-looking girls. After being drawn into acting by "the promise of some attractive women" (as he jokingly admitted in a 1996 interview), Carlyle won a place at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in 1983. However, he soon came to the realization that he hated the drama school stiffness, and it was partly an act of rebellion against it when he formed an improvisation theatre called Raindog in 1986.

Carlyle first made his mark in Ken Loach's 1990 film "Riff Raff" and has played numerous and diverse roles since then, from a gay man in "Priest" to a multiple-sclerosis patient in "Go Now" to a knife-wielding psychopath in "Trainspotting." Although his role in Trainspotting was his first that brought him major recognition, his real breakthrough is considered to be the 1997 film "The Full Monty", in which he plays a unemployed steel worker who becomes a stripper. Carlyle also had a role in the critically-acclaimed BBC series "Hamish MacBeth," where he plays a pot-smoking policeman in a fictional small town in the highlands of Scotland.

Robert Carlyle By all reports though, Carlyle hasn't let his success go to his head. He is also conscious of not "selling out," and it is only recently with the currently-in-release "Ravenous" and the upcoming James Bond film ("The World is not Enough") that he has taken roles in "big" Hollywood movies. In fact, he turned down roles in both "Rob Roy" and "Braveheart," stating that he would rather talk about what is presently going on in Scotland than sentimentalize its past. He's also well-known for his professionalism, abstaining from partying while shooting a movie, and his dedication to his work.

Only time will tell if his success in movies like The Full Monty will translate well to Hollywood, but so far things are looking promising for this media-shy character actor.



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