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John McLean
1. W. S. Wallace (ed) John McLean's Notes of a Twenty-Five Years' Service in the Hudson's Bay Territory (2 Vols. London 1849, reprinted by The Champlain Society, Toronto, 1932.) (pg. xi, xiii, xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, xix, xx, p. 229) Currently available through Greenwood Publishers, 88 Post Road West, Box 50007, West Port, CT 06881.
2. Elora, Early History of Elora, 1931 By John R. Connon
3. The Colonist, (Victoria, BC) Newspaper Obituary of: John McLean
4. Dictionary of Canadian Biographies, University of Toronto Press VOL. XI Pg. 569-570 John McLean by Garron Wells (References from: The Hudson's Bay Company Archives, 200 Vaughnan St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1T5 Canada)
5. Notes on the Discoverer of the Great Falls of Labrador by David Boyle, PH. B. (Transactions of the Canadian Institute VOL. II P. 340) Read: 17th December, 1891
6. The Globe and Mail Toronto, Canada January 29, 1958 P. 13 (Photo of: John McLean, Grand Falls & map of Grand Falls)
7. Churchill Falls ( Funk and Wagnalls - Web Site: www.funkandwagnalls.com)
8. Alabama Claims (Funk and Wagnalls - Web Site: www.funkandwagnalls.com)
9. Norfolk Street United Church of Canada - Sesquicentennial Program 1986
10. Encyclopedia Canadiana - John McLean
11. The Beginning of Things by Dr. A. E. Byerly
12. Historic Plaque honoring John McLean - Erected by the Ontario Archeological & Historic Sites
Board in front of 21 Nottingham St. in Guelph, ON, Canada. See: http://www.waynecook.com
(Historic Plaques of Wellington County - Plaque #1: John McLean).
13. "The Grand Falls" by Alan Cooke The Beaver Winter 1958 P. 34 (From the Hudson's Bay Archives)
14. Certificate: From: His Excellency, Lord Elgin (James Bruce), Governor General of British North America. Dated: August 1, 1853. Naming John McLean Collector of Customs in Guelph.
15. Letter: From His Excellency, Lord Elgin (James Bruce) Governor General of Canada. Dated: 5 May, 1852 Invited John McLean to be Commissioner of the Indian lands at Saugeen, Ontario.
16. The Torch by Dr. A. E. Byerly Article on: JOHN MCLEAN
Special thanks to Dick and Evie McLean of West Seneca, New York, who researched and wrote this article. They also provided all the images from their private family collection. Dick just happens to be John McLean's great-grandson and is very proud of his famous Scottish ancestor! You can contact Dick or Evie by E-Mail at: Dick and Evie McLean
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